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Unreserved Online Auction - The Assets of a Large Scale Commercial Bakery
Venue address
Garth Bakery
Aberdare, Rhondda Cynon Taf
CF45 4EP
United Kingdom
Unreserved Online Auction - The Assets of a Large Scale Commercial Bakery

Auction dates
Starts: Feb 02, 2023 05:00 PM GMT
Ends from: Feb 16, 2023 10:00 AM GMT
Viewing dates
Feb 15, 2023 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM GMT
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There are 192 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
16-Rack Prover Oven, Unbranded 2870 x 2780 x 2540mm
Double D 3-Rack Gas Oven 2970 x 2660 x 2220mm
8no. Mobile Steel Racks With Various Tins and Trays as Lotted
Double D 3-Rack Gas Oven 2970 x 2660 x 2220mm
Double D Retarder Prover 20 Rack 3620 X 3610 X 2560 mm
Mono White Painted French Stick Moulder
Benier Rounder Moulder
Flour Conveyor Lifter, Unbranded
Stainless Steel Preparation Table 1525 x 610 x 850mm
120 Spiral Mixer, Unbranded as lotted
CFI Water Chiller As Lotted
Mobile Oil Transfer Pump, 240V
Stainless Steel Knee Operated Handwash Sink
Stainless Steel Table End Trough Sink 1860 x 690 x 880mm
Fri-Jado Bake Off Oven Complete with Extraction Canopy 5 Runner
2no. Mono BX Classic 5-Tray Ovens 400 x 600mm
Gas Hot Plate, Unbranded 1530 x 760 x 869mm
Regal Gas Hot Plate 2440 x 760 x 870mm
Regal Gas Hot Plate 2440 x 760 x 870mm
Lancet Stainless Steel Large Fryer
Record Manual Scone Cutter/Divider
Williams Retarder 6-Tray
Williams Retarder 6-Tray
Rondo Compass Pastry Sheeter with Roll Up Device
Williams Retarder 6-Tray
Heavy Duty Transfer Pump, Please Note: End Plate Missing
Steel Work Table 1830 x 910 x 830m
Stainless Steel Preparation Table 1800 x 600 x 810mm
Plant Lubrication System with 2no. Pumps and Spray Guns as Lotted
Mono 18-Inch Metro Moulder
Mono Dough Divider
Jac Automatic Bread Slicer with Bag Blower 10mm Slices
Rose Forgrove Flo Wrapper with In Feed and Out Feed Conveyors
Gemini Automated Label Application Machine with Conveyor
Cintex Metal Detector with Conveyor
APV Flo Wrapper with In Feed Conveyor and Out Feed Conveyor
Blue Bird L Sealer as Lotted
Cintel Microresearch Metal Detector with In Built Conveyor
Stainless Steel Preparation Table 1800 x 700 x 860mm
L Sealer, Unbranded with Stainless Steel Table as Lotted
Stainless Steel Preparation Table 1500 x 700 x 840mm
6no. Dunelm Electric Knives as Lotted
Foster Salad Prep Counter Top Fridge as Lotted
Williams Retarder 6-Tray
Williams Retarder 6-Tray
Stainless Steel Preparation Table 1800 x 600 x 910mm
Stainless Steel Preparation Table 1400 x 600 x 910mm
Delice De France Panini Grill as Lotted
Panini Grill, Please Note Damage as Illustrated
Stainless Steel Preparation Table 1800 x 660 x 860mm
Light Duty 3-Tier Racking as Lotted
Williams Retarder 6-Tray
Hartwells Bakerpack Model 3 L Sealer
Stainless Steel Preparation Table 2590 x 760 x 850mm